Important things you need to be aware of when starting a manufacturing company.
1. Start with an idea-: The first thing you need is an idea. What is that thing you want to start manufacturing? It is important to come up with innovative ideas and not just a copycat kind of manufacturing business. I mean, you can copy but it has to be a better version of what already exists. Some of the ways to come up with innovative ideas include-: Choose a niche you like-: There might be a product you are passionate about; this is a good place to start from. High demand products -: There are certainly some products whose demand exceeds supply or products that typically have high levels of demand; you can look into any of these products . Fill a gap-: You could also look for existing gaps in the market that you can fill. For instance, if you live in a place where getting clean, portable drinking water is a problem, you can consider production of packaged water to fill this gap.